Factors Influencing Sustainable Logistics
Sustainability in Logistics
Supply chain management, Green supply chain, Logistics, Supply chain sustainability, Sustainability, QuantitativeAbstract
The aim of this study is to investigate how the sustainable green logistics system is impacted by sustainable green logistics activities utilizing a theoretical framework. In the beginning of this research, the elements of green logistics are outlined, along with current changes to this concept. Following an examination of earlier work on green logistics, this idea is examined. The green logistics' independent variables are financial economics, company environmental & social performance, logistics networking & transport, and information sharing are applied to clarify the influence of sustainable green logistics, which are significant indicators for assessing a company's performance. This study used data from earlier studies and SPSS to authenticate the data. Ensuring the dependability, independence, and reliability of each of a variable utilized in research. Value of Cronbach’s alpha which should be above 0.7 then the construct is reliable. Few limitations in our study, including limited observations of 199 responses, so in our study the revalidation of variables has not been conducted Furthermore the green logistics concept is so wide that it is impossible to study the entire domain in a single study. A company would implement green logistics operations to maintain its place in the market if the management compared the study's findings to those of its rivals in the market. The principle of green logistics also helps organizations to create an intellectual framework that increases added value. The study's results strengthen the continuity of green logistics inside the company.
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