Supply Chain Sustainability Through Green Practices in Manufacturing: A Case Study from Pakistan
Supply Chain Sustainability
Green supply chain, Social values, Ethics, Quantitative, Sustainability, Supply chain sustainabilityAbstract
The study aimed to determine the effect of green warehousing, logistics optimizations, social values & ethics, and supply chain risk on supply chain sustainability leading to the economic performance of manufacturing firms in Pakistan. The natural resource-based view (NRBV) theory has been used to understand the phenomenon from a general perspective. Data was collected from 213 supply chain professionals through the purposive sampling technique. PLS-SEM approach has been used for data analysis using Smart PLS (version 3.2.9) and estimated measurement and structural model. Results showed that green warehousing, social values & ethics, and supply chain risk significantly positively affect supply chain sustainability. However, logistics optimization has a positive but statistically insignificant effect on supply chain sustainability. Managers should foster good investor views about the green management system. Managers should also support the use of a green management system, which may boost financial and non-financial performance, making the firm more competitive and increasing corporate value in various ways. Managers could gain a more holistic view of supply chain risk by understanding mature and emerging themes in the field, as well as tools into the scope of supply chain risk, and the significant growth in sustainable supply chain management reflects the need for new business models that are particularly focused on social and environmental issues.
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