Mediation of Reverse Logistics in Sustainable Resources and Organizational Performance
Sustainable Resources and Organizational Performance
Circular economy, Product recovery, Structural equation modeling, Reverse logistics, Sustainability, Green supply chain management, Quantitative ResearchAbstract
The world is going green to foster the challenges of climate change; every country is implementing environmentally friendly rules and regulations in every industry. While in the automotive sector in Pakistan, especially in reverse logistics or logistics, back from customer to company needs more attention. Thousands of vehicles go into the trash annually, resulting in considerable automotive waste in the country. This research aimed to find companies focused on reverse logistics in the automotive sector through questionnaires and collecting data through cross-sectional data collection techniques from 207 individuals in managerial positions at the automotive giants in the country. Moreover, analyzing this data through quantitative tools to determine how much finances and commitment is needed to cover all these automotive waste issues and contribute to a greener environment in the country through the concepts and techniques of the circular economy. Furthermore, the study aims to find how circular economy concepts can be adopted in reverse logistics in the automotive industry to reach a sustainable environment and organizational performance that, in reality, can contribute to all stakeholders of the country, including the environment.
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