Use of Technology in Warehouse Operations
Inventory management, Logistics, Information technology, Pharmaceutical, Supply chain managementAbstract
The primary aim of this research is to examine how information technology impacts the efficiency of warehouse operations at a pharmaceutical supply agency. The study used a descriptive method and a cross-sectional study design. The participants were all professional staff members working in the stock and distribution directorate, and all of them were included in the study. The information technology tool employed in the study was found to enhance the performance of various warehouse operations, including inventory accuracy, picking accuracy, put-away accuracy, receiving time, order processing time, and warehouse space utilization. However, the study also revealed that the information technology implementation did not prevent theft and product leakage. Several challenges were identified, including frequent electric power interruptions, slow or unreliable internet connectivity, insufficient training and support for staff, and a lack of confidence among employees in using the information technology for effective warehouse operations management.
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