Supply Chain Networks, Complexity, and Optimization in Developing Economies: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis
Supply Chain Networks and Complexity: A Meta-Analysis
Supply chain, Networks, Complexity, Product, Process, Environmental, Demand uncertainityAbstract
By studying journal articles, the current study has benefited in assessing numerous significant issues, research trends, and breakthroughs in the supply chain management industry. The journals from renowned publishers, e.g. Emerald, Taylor and Francis, Elsevier, Wiley, and Cambridge, were considered for review purposes. All the articles included in this review were conducted in developing countries only. Articles published between 2019 and 2022 by the above publishers were considered for this review. For this review, only articles written in English were included; no articles written in other languages were considered. It is clear from the selected publications that many research areas remain unexplored, and the area is still in its early phases. Moreover, despite the articles' stated objectives and future directions, just a few studies attempted to fill the gaps. The notion of the supply chain has grown in relevance in developing nations and industrialized countries, and its popularity and awareness have increased in recent years. It has been embraced in developing countries due to increased outsourcing and its applicability across various industries. There are certain advantages to using SCM, such as the fact that it may be used in practically any industry sector. Adopting is critical for nations involved primarily in exporting to maintain international quality standards.
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