Factors Affecting the Supply Chain Resilience and Supply Chain Performance
Supply Chain Resilience and Supply Chain Performance
Supply chain resilience, Supply chain performance, Supply chain collaboration, Artificial intelligence, Adaptive capabilityAbstract
The key objective of this research study is to delve into the factors affecting supply chain resilience to enhance supply chain performance through the mediation of supply chain resilience. To perform this particular research, a quantitative method of research was applied. The process of data collection was performed by using the questionnaire technique. As it was impossible to collect data from every member of the targeted population thus, a sample of data was calculated using G*power software and obtained a sample size of 129 respondents. It was concluded that supply chain artificial intelligence, adaptive capability, and supply chain collaboration have a positive and significant influence on supply chain resilience and supply chain performance. At the same time, supply chain resilience also has a positive impact on supply chain performance. Thus, organizational and supply chain performance can be enhanced by adopting supply chain resilience and other organizational dynamic capacities. This particular research study provides insight to the practitioners and managers of manufacturing firms for improving their level of resilience in the supply chain. This specific research study plays a significant role in literature by highlighting the concept of supply chain resilience & supply chain performance of organizations.
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