Impact of green supply chain management on the sustainability: A study on textile industry
Textile, Supply chain management, Supply chain sustainability, Sustainability, Environmental Performance, ManufacturingAbstract
This research examines how green supply chain management affects business sustainability. Green purchasing, green manufacturing, green distribution, and green packaging. It falls in the explanatory form of research, which focuses on knowing the impact of green supply chain management on firm performance. the research focuses on examining theories or phenomena which were available previously from Pakistan’s textiles. We use primary and secondary data from our research, which is quantitative. A survey approach is adopted in this research; hence, questionnaires are used to collect data. Data was collected stepwise through a questionnaire using a Likert scale filled by the employers of the supply chain department of the organization from the textile sector in Pakistan. Six textile industries in Karachi were selected. The total sample size was 50; we use random sampling as its most basic method, where every population unit has an equal opportunity to be included in the random sampling. The findings of this study show that all four dimensions of green supply chain management, i.e. green manufacturing, green purchasing, green packaging and green distribution, have a positive impact on the sustainability and performance of the textile industry and are positively related to economic performance by reducing energy savings, reduction of waste, less packaging help firm develop environmental performances as they closely related to economic performance are rapidly adoptable by the firms.
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