Impact of the Supply Chain Management Practices Over the Organizational Performance
Supply Chain Management and Organizational Performance
Customer Relationship, Information Sharing, Supplier Partnership, Postponement, Supply chain performance, Developing Economy, Supply chain managementAbstract
Our study aims to identify the effects of Supply Chain Management practices on organizational performance in textile firms located in Karachi. Our questionnaire is survey-based; in which we are using the distribution technique to identify the findings of our study. In the sampling technique, the researcher used the simple random technique with a sample size of 240. Statistical method, the researcher applied Cronbach’s alpha by testing the reliability using reliability analysis and the analysis using multiple linear regression to determine the supply chain practices that affect organizational performance in the textile sector. The analysis of the study measured how the supply chain practices (customer relationship, quality of information sharing, strategic supplier partnership, postponement) impart a role in organizational performance in textile firms in Karachi, Pakistan. Results: This study found a significant relationship between (the quality of information sharing and strategic supplier partnership) on organizational performance in textile firms. Furthermore, customer relationship and postponement has an insignificant role in organizational performance. However, results show that the quality of information sharing and strategic supplier partnership impact organizational performance in the textile sector. Conclusion: This study is based on and covers the region of Pakistan. So the findings of our study can differ if we compare the current study in the context of implications in other regions of the country.
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