Supply Chain Integration, Flexibility, and Operational Performance
Supply Chain Performance
Internal information integration, External information integration, Reactive supply chain flexibility, Proactive supply chain flexibility, Operational performanceAbstract
This study aims to establish the impact of supply chain integration and flexibility on operational performance. Moreover, the resource-based view theory was tested on pharmaceutical manufacturing firms in Karachi, Pakistan. A quantitative approach was adopted for this study, and a multi-item measurement scale was adapted from previous studies; a structured questionnaire was developed to collect primary data. A total number of 236 responses was collected from Karachi-based manufacturing companies. Regression analysis was applied for hypothesis testing. The findings confirm that all the proposed hypotheses were retained, and all independent variables (internal information integration, external information integration, reactive supply chain flexibility, and proactive supply chain flexibility) have positive and significant results. However, these results vary from one dimension to another, but all the adopted dimensions positively affect operational performance. This research study can be helpful for supply chain managers and decision-makers. It gives them a guide for enhancing operational performance. It provides a framework for manufacturing firms to enhance their operational performance by enhancing quality.
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