Relationship between Green Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Quality Integration, and Environmental Performance
Green Supply Chain Management
Supplier quality integration, Customer quality integration, Green purchasing, Customer green cooperation, SustainabilityAbstract
This study aims to investigate the relationship between green supply chain management and supply chain quality integration on environmental performance. A quantitative approach was adopted for this study; a multi-item measurement scale was adapted from previous studies to collect primary data—the total number of 212 responses from supply chain professionals were collected. Descriptive analysis along with the correlation examination was utilized to test the hypothesis. It was observed that all the hypotheses (H1, H2, H3, and H4) were supported. Customer green purchasing, green customer cooperation, supplier quality integration, and customer quality integration were found significantly related to environmental performance. So the study concluded that implementing green supply chain management practices in the firm is beneficial and it enhances the firm's environmental performance. This detailed research analysis will play an active role for the supply chain executives in taking effective decisions that will ultimately enhance environmental performance. This research study will facilitate the managers and all decision makers by providing directions and guidance for improving the level of performance of the environment.
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