A Study on Waste Disposal Management in Textile Industry: A Case Study of Gul Ahmed
Waste Disposal Management
Gul Ahmed Textile, Productivity of the Company, Green SC Practices, Disposal of Waste, Waste, RecyclingAbstract
The objective is to determine how the disposal of Waste, GSCP, and WR affected the company's productivity. The study used a correlational design to examine the relationships between variables. Furthermore, the study was descriptive, and data were acquired using various methods (qualitative and quantitative). In addition, the study's quantitative component was a questionnaire-based survey, and its qualitative component was a series of in-depth interviews with key individuals. A Likert scale questionnaire was used to gather the research's primary data, while the secondary data was gathered through reviewing previous articles. The data gathered was then measured using a statistical technique and the SPSS software. The study concluded that Waste and WR disposal is significant, but GSCP has an insignificant impact on the company's productivity. Furthermore, waste directly impacts human development, both socially and technologically. Waste management is distinct from resource recovery, which is concerned with lowering the pace at which natural resources are used. All waste materials, whether solid, liquid, gaseous, or radioactive, are included in WM. WM practices might differ across developed and emerging countries, urban and rural areas, industrial producers, and residential areas.
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