Green supply chain management in manufacturing: A case from a developing country
Green supply chain management, Green purchasing, Manufacturing, Organizational performance, Green practicesAbstract
This investigation assessed the connection between GSCM and business execution, especially organizational performance. The exploration has discovered an immediate connection between green supply chain management, green purchasing, logistics, manufacturing and design, eco-design, and organizational performance. The outcomes showed that business execution develops a green production network, and the board will improve operational productivity overall. The investigation has found that the execution of the reasonable inventory network in the firm emphatically affects the financial execution of the organization and seriousness, consequently giving the organization the upper hand. This investigation also gives a unique picture of how significant the green supply chain is in playing an essential part in the hierarchical execution, and that is for the prosperity of the representatives. This paper explored advancement in what organizational performance factors affect the firms' green supply chain management practices. Data was collected through a survey questionnaire, adopted and disseminated to 152 employees working in organizations based in Karachi, Pakistan, associated with supply chain management accomplishments. Data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. All four independent variables statistically correlate with green supply chain management. On the other hand, organizational performance produced a positive and significant impact. The results are significant for manufacturing organization managers in improving green supply chain management practices and achieving a competitive position in the industry.
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