Relationship of Supplier Development and Proactive Product Recall with Quality Performance
Product recall, Supply chain management, Emerging economy, Developing economy, Business administration, Quality management, Product SatisfactionAbstract
The objective of this study was to determine how the effect of supplier development and proactive product recall on quality performance. The study used a reliability test and regression analysis using SPSS version 22. The data was collected from 139 supply chain professionals working at various organizations located in Karachi, Pakistan. A Likert scale questionnaire was used to gather the research's primary data. The data collected was then measured using a statistical technique. This study suggested that the quality performance of the firm is positively affected by proactive product recall. In comparison, quality performance does not significantly impact supplier development. This study helps managers in management practice manage the quality performance of firms. It also helps them to understand the critical role of quality performance. It is recommended that the data be taken from more respondents, increasing its reliability. Due to the questionnaire design, answer errors can be found while collecting the data, and it could be overcome by gathering data through interviews with preferred supply chain professionals face to face.
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