Role of Management Accounting Systems in Sustainable Survival of SMEs in Pakistan: A Conceptual Framework
Role of Management Accounting Systems in Sustainable SMEs
SMEs, Management accounting systems, Strategic thinking, Sustainable survival, Cognitive psychologyAbstract
This conceptual paper proposes a new framework for ensuring Pakistani SMEs' sustainable survival. SME owners always strive to survive in the long run, but most SMEs cannot sustain themselves due to resource constraints. In the ensuing survival of SMEs, the role of management accounting is critical. Management accounting provides financial and non-financial information for planning, controlling and decision-making. This information can persuade SME owners to think in a strategic way which can enhance their strategic thinking. Arguably, management accounting can cognitively engage SME owners by enhancing their strategic thinking, leading SMEs to enhance sustainable survival. Based on these arguments, a conceptual framework has been proposed in which strategic thinking mediates the relationship between management accounting systems and sustainable survival. This conceptual paper has endeavored to advance the understanding of strategic thinking in management accounting scholarship. Furthermore, this paper has also provided practical guidelines for SME owners to concentrate on sustainable survival by developing management accounting systems and focusing on strategic thinking.
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