The Impact of Lean Manufacturing on Organizational Performance through a Moderating Role of ERP
Lean Manufacturing and ERP
Total quality management, Production, Purchasing, Just in time, Total production management, Operational performance, Financial performanceAbstract
Lean manufacturing is regarded as a rewarding production approach because of its sound effects on organizational and economic efficiency in various sectors. Given the increased environmental consciousness, the environmental successes of lean manufacturing also have significant economic importance. According to some experts, lean manufacturing is a business technique utilized to enhance an organization's process performance. This is because it leads to an increase in both the bottom-line outcomes and customer satisfaction. As a result, many studies have demonstrated that lean manufacturing significantly influences an organization's operational effectiveness. Furthermore, introducing an ERP system brought several benefits in meeting the changing expectations of consumers by delivering accurate and timely information about customers to the company so that they could make adjustments in their choice, respecting the customers' demands. Furthermore, in this study, the researcher discovered the influence of lean manufacturing on organizational performance in connection to the mediating function of ERP. Furthermore, the researcher examined all of the lean manufacturing methods that were interconnected.
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