The role of supply chain practices on sustainability performance in the pharmaceutical sector: a case from developing economy
Green manufacturing, Green purchasing, Green distribution, Sustainable performance, Pharmaceutical, PakistanAbstract
The aim of this research is to broadly identify the sustainable influence of green practices to cope with the problems caused by pharmaceutical manufacturing, purchasing and distribution, which have insignificant effects on the environment, well-being, animals, ocean, and water; in this regard, the significance of the supply chain practices on sustainable performance examined. In this quantitative study, the researcher will use a cross-sectional research design and a structured questionnaire for data collection to find out the research problem from professionals of supply chain managers. In this study, a random sampling technique will be considered to get the actual data from the experience of supply chain managers. The research scope is limited to the Karachi region to discover Supply Chain Practices on Sustainability performance in the Pharmaceutical Sector in Karachi. Thereby potentially restricting generalizability. The findings are based on a sample of 105 pharmaceutical companies in Karachi.
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