The relationship between halal food supply chain and sustainability: a case study


  • Tayyab Khan Iqra University, Pakistan


Halal supply chain, Green supply chain management, Sustainable supply chain, Sustainability, SPSS, Regression analysis


The importance of sustainability and halal supply chain improvement in societies, mainly in the food industry, has become apparent to everyone. Over the years, interest in this issue among consumers and manufacturers has grown to the point where it is now viewed as a primary issue in the supply chain. A quantitative method on a sample size 379 was carried out using SPSS version 22.0. This study examined one direct hypothesis. The study found that a halal supply chain positively and significantly affects sustainability. The previous research supported the study results. Further, the manufacturers may use these findings to adopt and incorporate a halal supply chain for sustainability into their business model. In order to explore the interactions between the government and other stakeholders and establish new ways of halal supply chain, researchers can evaluate the conceptual model offered.


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How to Cite

Khan, T. (2024). The relationship between halal food supply chain and sustainability: a case study. South Asian Journal of Operations and Logistics, 3(2), 138–151.


