Relationship of supplier development and proactive product recall with quality performance
Quality performance, Proactive product recall, Supplier development, Business performance, SPSS, Quantitative researchAbstract
A few manufacturers outsource their productions, making the assurance of the health and well-being of manufactured items more difficult. The limited capacity of existing regulatory bodies, the constant increase in bulk imports, and the complexity of global sourcing have caused severe quality performance problems in the supply chain. Therefore, the relationship between supplier development and proactive product recall with quality performance was examined. Quantitative variables were used in this research because of the nature of the topic. This study is explanatory and assumed based on established hypotheses. Supplier development and quality performance were analyzed using regression. The findings found that the two sorts of quality management practices that we studied in this research are proactive product recall and supplier development. Proactive product recall, if utilized appropriately, may alleviate the company's harmful effects as it is a cure activity that happens once a quality problem has occurred, or, in other words, it is a reactive approach.
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