Impact of lean manufacturing practices on the performance of manufacturing industries


  • Danial Razzaq Iqra University, Pakistan


Lean supply chain manufacturing practices, Manufacturing, Supply chain management, Supplier Partnership, Customer Relationship, Performance, Lean manufacturing


In this paper, we aim to check the impact of lean manufacturing practices on the performance of the manufacturing industry in Pakistan. The three practices involve customer involvement, supplier involvement, and 5s and their effect on the industry's performance. For this purpose, we used a random sampling technique with a sample of 20 questions, a question-based questionnaire designed under the supervision of expert supply chain specialists from different manufacturing industries and authentic research journals. The key finding of this research paper is that we have seen the positive significance of lean practice on the performance of Pakistan's manufacturing industry.


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How to Cite

Razzaq, D. (2024). Impact of lean manufacturing practices on the performance of manufacturing industries. South Asian Journal of Operations and Logistics, 3(2), 113–126.


