Effect of logistics integration and demand and supply uncertainties on manufacturing performance: A mediating role of product characteristics



  • Bushra Aslam Iqra University, Pakistan
  • Lee Jiang Universiti Malaysia Terengganu


Logistic integration, Demand and supply uncertainties, Product characteristics, Lead-time, Procurement, Manufacturing


This study examines the influence of distribution convergence, delivery lead times, manufacturing difficulties, material management, and procurement on company performance. Primary and secondary data from small and large-scale manufacturing enterprises will be gathered and analyzed using structured and explorative methods, with different analyses applied for causal and cross-comparison outcomes. It will be used as a mathematical model for the following investigation. It assessed the variables' correlation and function as a mediator between them. Cronbach's alpha, a measure of internal consistency, was used to assess overall variable agreement. The study shows the role of interdependence in logistics convergence, pricing fluctuation, and demand and supply uncertainty. Demand and supply uncertainty is one of lead time and substantially impacts outcomes. In this research, procurement lead time significantly impacts the relationship between overall market volatility and supply and demand characteristics. Efficacious Manufacturing requires well-planned procurement, as well as extensive logistical integration.


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How to Cite

Aslam, B., & Jiang, L. (2024). Effect of logistics integration and demand and supply uncertainties on manufacturing performance: A mediating role of product characteristics. South Asian Journal of Operations and Logistics, 3(2), 84–99. https://doi.org/10.57044/SAJOL.2024.3.2.2430


