Supply chain integration and agile practices


  • Muzammil Turabi Iqra University, Pakistan


Lead time, Supply chain integration, Agile practices, COVID-19, Supply chain management


Lead time is one of the main factors that has always significantly affected supply chain competitiveness. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has hurt lead time, and an exceptional increase in lead time has been experienced because of it. However, there are a few variables which can have a positive effect on the lead time. This research study was aimed at how variables like agile practices and supply chain integration may influence the lead time. Research data was collected from the respondents, who were supply chain executives and managers, through a closed-ended questionnaire, and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences was employed to drive the results. The findings of this study indicate that supply chain integration and agile practices contribute to the reduction of lead time. Findings also suggest that the lead time can be significantly reduced with supply chain integration and agile methods.


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How to Cite

Turabi, M. (2024). Supply chain integration and agile practices. South Asian Journal of Operations and Logistics, 3(2), 45–57.


