Exploring the influence of green supply chain practices on performance nexus
Supply chain management, Sustainability, Green supply chain, Economic performance, Environmental Performance, Operational performanceAbstract
This exploration examines the potential effects of certain control variables, like firm age, possession, and size of an environmental management organization certification, on any collaborative execution when adapting green supply chain system habits. The study will examine how these variables may influence different features of collective performance. This study employs a multi-step methodology, including a thorough review of existing literature, an empirical survey of 223 participant organizations, and an arithmetical examination to test the proposed conceptual structure to inform the two prospective and matter-of-fact outlooks. The studies have three phases. First, complete written work is reviewed to gain a deeper understanding of the topic. Next, a survey is conducted with responses from 223 participant organizations, and the data is collected. Finally, multiple retrogression analysis is used to evaluate the effects of firm age, possession, and firm size of an environmental management system certification on four elements of associated execution. The study's findings indicate a constructive correlation between fit size and these elements of corporate execution: social, environmental, and economic presentation. So, no connection was found between firm size and functional efficiency. Additionally, the study found that controlling an ecological management organization certification within Pakistani firms had a good effect on all staging elements when firm age did not correlate significantly with any of the four execution results. This study gives practical guides to supply chain executives in Pakistan and other nearby markets to understand better the correlation between these control variables and the execution on collective outcomes.
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