Resilience in inter-organizational networks of red buses: dealing with their daily disruptions in critical infrastructures
Economic performance, Disruption, Critical infrastructure, Supply chain resilience, Supply chain managementAbstract
This research aims to determine how the inter-organizational (supply) system that serves and oversees the critical infrastructures might lessen the negative effects of routine interruptions. Furthermore, this research aims to gain insight into the types of disruptions that Red Buses experience and their strategies to manage them. The subject matter of this discourse pertains to the domains of science, numbers, and statistics. This research employs a quantitative research methodology to examine the effects of routine disruptions on inter-organizational systems and to evaluate the corresponding hypotheses. The individuals involved in this investigation work and operate the Red Bus Service in Karachi. By random sampling, a sample of 152 workers and drivers was selected from the Red Bus Service in Karachi. Data was collected from both electronic and non-electronic sources. Data was collected using Google Forms distributed via various internet channels such as WhatsApp and email addresses. Data was analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM); we used SmartPLS 4 software for that. The finding shows that disturbance co-occurrence has a negative relationship with CI resilience to focal disruption, a positive relationship with non-routineness, and a negative relationship with economic performance.
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