The importance of supply chain integration in the performance nexus: A case from developing country


  • Syed Ghazanfar Imam Iqra University, Pakistan


Agriculture, Food, Supply chain management, Environmental Performance, Economic performance, Operational performance


Effective supply chain management (SCM) hinges on seamless integration among stakeholders, a concept extensively explored in literature. This involves efficient coordination, collaboration, and swift information sharing to align everyone toward common goals, ultimately reducing costs and inefficiencies. Integration enhances communication decision-making and standardizes processes, reducing errors and waste. Organizations must continually assess and monitor integration processes, emphasizing effective communication and collaboration in areas such as vendor management, procurement, and distribution. Success in SCM depends on vigilant monitoring and assessment of integration strategies, ensuring optimized outcomes. The study conducted a quantitative data analysis with survey questionnaires. The study found that for sustainable supply chains, it is essential to consider the competitive priorities of networked firms, industry type, and stakeholder collaboration. Different industries require varying levels of supply chain integration, necessitating exploration of integration-related topics for a comprehensive understanding. Sustainable supply chains depend on member collaboration, ethical practices, and a balance of economic and environmental considerations. Specifically, the agricultural food sector's focus on sustainability drives the demand for better integration. The lack of integration results in inefficiencies, higher costs, and a lack of collaboration, preventing the realization of potential benefits. Current research aims to explore the reliability of adopting SCM integration methods in the Asian agricultural food industry. This research explored the practical aspects of integrating supply chains in this sector that was neglected in the Asian agricultural food industries, hindering efficiency and cost reduction.


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How to Cite

Imam, S. G. (2024). The importance of supply chain integration in the performance nexus: A case from developing country. South Asian Journal of Operations and Logistics, 3(2), 1–22.


