The Challenges of Inventory Management in Medical Supply Chain
Automation, Supply chain management, Inventory Control, Distribution, PharmaceuticalAbstract
The study has determined the challenges of inventory management in the medical supply chain of Pakistan. The medical supply chain of Pakistan has been taken as the target industry. In addition, the conceptual framework is based on Control Theory and Resource Based View. The research approach is quantitative deductive, and the sample size is 200. The data was collected utilizing a five-point Likert scale in in-person and online questionnaire surveys, while it was analyzed using IBM SPSS version 22.0. The present study identified that inventory automation, distribution turnover and inventory control have a significant and positive relationship with inventory management. This evaluation of the literature advances the field of study by offering one of the first in-depth investigations of how to manage inventory items in the healthcare supply chains of Pakistan. The study advises SC managers that by implementing a real-time inventory management system in the company, consumers can locate items quickly and have more accurate information about their location and availability.
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