Factors Affecting Waste Elimination: A Case of Confectionery Food
Factors of Waste Elimination
Sustainability, Supply chain management, Skilled labor, Automation, Material quality, Machine efficiencyAbstract
This research identified the factors related to waste elimination in the confectionery industry. The rationale for conducting this research is the increasing issue of waste elimination in the confectionary sector of Pakistan and the limited research being carried out on this particular topic. The methodology used in this research was based on quantitative data collected through surveys conducted by supply chain professionals. The data was analyzed with the help of using different statistical techniques such as reliability analysis, regression and correlation analysis, and factor analysis. The patterns of findings derived through regression analysis illustrated that various factors of production related to skilled labor, automation, material quality, and machine efficiency positively impact waste elimination in Pakistan's confectionary industry. On the other hand, the results of correlation illustrated that out of different factors of production, the factor which is most influential on waste elimination is skilled labor as its value was reported at 0.867, which was the highest amongst all the variables in the research. The theoretical implications of the findings are that they were very much aligned with the existing literature and contributed to it positively. On the other hand, practical implications are related to supply chain managers as these managers, in the context of the confectionary industry, can use these findings to improve the efficiency of the production process through waste elimination.
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