The Influence of Inter-Organizational System Use and Supply Chain Capabilities on Supply Chain Performance
Supply Chain Capabilities
Communication, Intelligence, Information exchange, Integration, Coordination, Responsiveness, Supply chain performancAbstract
This study is explored the influencing factor that is pivotal in the supply chain. More explicitly, the main emphasize of this research was on IOS use and supply chain management capabilities, and supply chain performance. A quantitative approach was adopted for this study, and a multi-item measurement scale was adapted from previous studies; a structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data. Two hundred thirty-six responses were collected from supply chain employees in various textile sectors. Further, regression analysis was applied for hypothesis testing. The analysis of employees' responses collected from various firms reveals that the use of IOS increases the level of supply chain performance and directly enhances the capabilities of SCM. In addition, it was observed that the influence of SCM capabilities on supply chain performance was very insightful, influential, and even more significant than the impact of IOS use on SC performance. This research study can be helpful for supply chain managers and decision-makers. It gives them guidance for enhancing the supply chain resilience of an organization. It provides a framework containing Communication, Intelligence, Information exchange, Integration, Coordination, and Responsiveness to enhance supply chain performance.
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