Quality Management and Operational Performance: A Case Study from Pakistan
Quality Management and Operational Performance
Garment, Quality management, Operational, Performance, Supply chain management, TextileAbstract
The primary purpose of this study was to find the effect of quality management on organization performance in the garment sector. The reason for choosing the garment industry was its rapid growth and the use of quality management in operational performance. A deductive approach followed by a quantitative research method was used. The data was collected through survey questionnaires on a five-point Likert scale using a random sampling technique from 131 employees working in various garment factories in Karachi. Further, the IBM® SPSS® V22.0 was utilized as a statistical tool. The findings found that the hypothesis was supported by narrating that quality management significantly and positively influences operational performance. The study can help researchers and practitioners realize the imperative role of quality management for operational performance and, eventually, sustainable organizational growth.
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