Unveiling the impact of supply chain network data practices on performance: A study of Pakistan’s automotive manufacturing sector
Supply chain performance, Supply chain integration, Information sharing, Supply chain information management, Information system infrastructure, Internal integration, Customer integrationAbstract
The investigation aims to clarify the connection between SC network data, the executives, the supply chain network data framework foundation, supply chain network incorporation, and the inventory network execution of firms in the assembly industry in Pakistan (Karachi). Consequently, the examination shows a gap in research concerning the impact of inventory network data rehearses on supply chain network execution. The exploration plan for this investigation utilized the quantitative technique of reviewing surveys that were created, which were dependent on an intensive and point-by-point examination of the applicable writing. For an example comprised of 144 usable pieces of information, PLS-SEM was utilized to inspect the examination model. The discoveries show that inward mix and client reconciliation completely incorporate the connection between the Supply chain network data of the executives and the Supply chain network data framework foundation toward inventory network execution. This examination is restricted to a specific example: auto firms in Pakistan, because of which the generalizability of discoveries is additionally restricted. Companies are keen to get everyone on their SC network to communicate using data organization to help administrators be more dynamic while getting updated data based on the board and framework. As at least one, it assists with planning different inside and outside proportions of the worth chain between assembling organizations in the affiliation's stock organization association. This would enable manufacturing companies to improve their presentation in the extended term.
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