A nexus between human capital management and lean supply chain in an organization



  • Naveed Ali Faculty of Business, Economy and Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia


Human capital, Lean supply chain, Supply chain management, SPSS, Regression analysis


This study investigates the impact of key human resource management (HRM) practices—learning and development, recruitment and selection, and performance management—on the lean supply chain performance of organizations. A sample size of 100 participants was selected using a simple random sampling technique, targeting individuals with direct experience in both HR and supply chain management. Data were analyzed using SPSS software, applying regression analysis to examine the relationships between variables. The findings provide insights into how HCM contributes to optimizing supply chain performance, offering practical implications for organizations striving for lean supply chain success. The findings confirm the positive influence of these HRM practices on supply chain efficiency and effectiveness. Learning and development (L&D) emerged as critical for fostering continuous improvement and waste reduction in lean supply chains, equipping employees with the necessary skills to support operational excellence. Recruitment and selection were shown to play a fundamental role in hiring individuals aligned with lean principles such as waste minimization and process efficiency. Performance management further contributed by aligning employee performance with lean objectives, ensuring continuous progress in supply chain performance. The study emphasizes the need for strategic integration of HRM practices into lean supply chain initiatives for sustained organizational competitiveness. Limitations include a small sample size, highlighting the need for future research to expand the respondent pool and explore additional organizational development tools to better define the connection between human capital management and lean supply chains.


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How to Cite

Ali, N. (2024). A nexus between human capital management and lean supply chain in an organization. South Asian Journal of Operations and Logistics, 3(2), 414–437. https://doi.org/10.57044/SAJOL.2024.3.2.2455