Impact of green manufacturing, green purchasing, and eco-design on organizational performance in the FMCG sector of Pakistan
Green supply chain management, Organizational performance, Green purchasing, Green manufacturing, Eco-design, Sustainability, Supply chain sustainabilityAbstract
Global warming, air pollution, and natural resource depletion have severely changed how businesses manufacture and provide goods and services. Greening supply chains have attracted the attention of practitioners in several nations in this context. Carbon taxes, for example, have been made a legal necessity in various countries. However, green supply chain management methods and their influence on company performance are still in their early stages of adoption. Firms frequently require the engagement of their supply chain participants to meet rising stakeholder demands for ecologically friendly goods and processes. GSCM is a collection of managerial approaches that include environmental concerns in the supply chain. Green supply chain management may help a company gain a competitive edge while improving its environmental sustainability. The overarching goal of this thesis is to add to the conversation on green supply chain management methods by examining their drivers and performance implications for the FMCG sector of Pakistan. FMCG company's supply chain must be prioritized to be efficient and effective in GSCM because these products are essential for everyone. This study aims to raise awareness about the importance of GSCM practices for the advantage of society and long-term economic and environmental development. The respondents of the 136 helped in the collection of data. They use SPSS and techniques like ANOVA, regression analysis, and correlation. All of the three hypotheses were accepted.
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