Impact of industry 4.0 on supply chain management
Industry 4.0, Internet of things, IoT, Big data analysis, Digital supply chain, Digitalization, Performance improvementAbstract
This study aims to analyze the impact of Industry 4.0 implementation on the supply chain and develop an implementation framework that considers the potential drivers and obstacles of the Industry 4.0 paradigm. A literature search examined the main drivers and barriers to implementing Industry 4.0 in four business areas: strategy, organization, technology, law, and ethics. A system dynamics model will be developed to understand the impact of the implementation of Industry 4.0 on supply chain parameters, and the identified drivers and barriers to technological change will be included. In addition to the empirical basis of this connection, a proposal was a theoretical framework for utilizing Industry 4.0 within the supply chain. The opportunities and new challenges for future supply chains were expected in Industry 4.0. This study analyzed various challenges in implementation and process and proposed a framework for effectively adapting and transferring the model of Industry 4.0 towards supply chains. The research aims to understand the challenges of integrating Industry 4.0 into their networks because it aims to examine the advantages of supply chain management. The implementation impact of Industry 4.0 on the supply chain performance can be analyzed using simulation analysis, and the driving causes and obstacles of this technological transition can be investigated. This connection is provided on an empirical basis. It is proposed that a new industrial conceptual framework be developed. Incorporate Industry 4.0 into your supply chain.
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