Nexus amid supply chain management practices, competitive advantage and organizational performance
Supply chain management, Manufacturing sector, Pakistan, Competitive advantage, Operational performanceAbstract
The main objective of this research is specifically to analyze the effect of SCM Practices on CA and OP. The research used in this study is quantitative and it includes data collection of 100 respondents from the manufacturing sector of Karachi. A questionnaire was adopted to collect the data and then the data were analyzed through SPSS. Further Reliability, regression, and reliability were used to check the link between variables. The results show that SCM Practices play a key role in achieving OP and with effective implementation of supply chain (SCM) Practices it’s becoming a key way to secure a competitive edge. SCM Practices have a positive impact on OP and CA. The limitation for this study work is limited to the manufacturing sector of Karachi. This study is meant to be cross-sectional so that it is not generalized all over the world. This research is quantitative and only a questionnaire is used for the collection of the data. SCM Practices play an important role in achieving organizational performance so organizations need to implement these practices into their business so that the organization can able to perform well and it will become easier to achieve competitive advantage.
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