Role of logistics innovation capabilities in supply chains operations at manufacturing firms


  • Faisal Iqbal Iqra University, Pakistan; Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia


Supply chain management, Environmental, Technology, Firm performance, Logistics innovation capabilities, Business performance


This study aims to examine the impact of Logistics Innovation Capabilities and mitigating the disruption risk in supply chain operations in the manufacturing Industries of Karachi Pakistan. With the fast growth in Pakistan's economy and vision 2025 seeks to enhance the national transport infrastructure and logistics network system. The demand for logistics services in Pakistan has been steadily expanding. Pakistan's Industry focuses more on adopting logistics innovation capabilities to provide their customer with better services. Quantitative research is designed to study the link between the capabilities of dependent and independent variables to minimize the risk. By empirically analyzing survey data SPSS is a popular method to validate the study model. The impact of innovation in logistics technologies has a huge positive influence affect by firm performance, environment uncertainty, technology implementation & customer side. Through Logistics Innovation capabilities, many empirical studies have been conducted to minimize the supply chain risk. This study provides empirical support for dependent and independent variables. Our results can help Pakistan's manufacturing industry develop logistics strategies and adopt innovation capabilities to reduce supply chain risk.


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How to Cite

Iqbal, F. (2024). Role of logistics innovation capabilities in supply chains operations at manufacturing firms. South Asian Journal of Operations and Logistics, 3(2), 295–309.


