Impact of TQM on operational, logistical and quality performance with a moderating role of reverse supply chain


  • Noor Nawaz Iqra University, Pakistan


Total quality management, TQM, Reverse logistics, Logistics performance, Business performance, Operational performance, Quality performance, Supply chain management, Quantitative research


Many research studies established the significance of total quality management to organizational performance. However, most of the researchers focused on individual relationships. This research aims to examine an integrated model by analyzing the impact of total quality management on operational performance, logistics performance, and quality performance with moderation of revere supply chain in steel companies of Pakistan. The study used a quantitative research method to test the hypotheses by collecting data utilizing the survey questionnaire on a five-point Likert scale. For analysis, the study opted for IBM SPSS and SmartPLS as the appropriate statistical tools. This study confirms the significant relationship between total quality management and reverse supply chain. Furthermore, this study finds no significant relationship between comprehensive quality management and operational, logistics, and quality performance. The insignificance values show the lack of implementation of study variables in the study and the geological context.


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How to Cite

Nawaz, N. (2024). Impact of TQM on operational, logistical and quality performance with a moderating role of reverse supply chain. South Asian Journal of Operations and Logistics, 3(2), 224–246.


