Investigating the impact of supply chain integration on operational performance with a mediating role of supply chain capabilities of the SME sector in Pakistan


  • Muhammad Sameed Khan Iqra University, Pakistan


Supply chain management, Supply chain integration, Integration, Supply chain capabilities, Operational performance, Manufacturing


Different firms do not compete like distinct units from extremely competitive business perspectives but slightly as participants in numerous supply networks. Therefore, this research aims to study the impact of supply chain integration (supplier, internal and customer) on operational performance with a mediating role of supply chain capabilities of the manufacturing industry of Karachi, Pakistan. This research will analyze 175 survey responses from employees working in the SME sector of Karachi, Pakistan. Partial Least Square-Structural equation modelling is used to analyze the data. Results show that supply chain integration has a significant impact on operational performance. Furthermore, supply chain integration significantly impacts operational performance by mediating supply chain capabilities. The results of the current study suggest that supply chain integration improves performance.


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How to Cite

Khan, M. S. (2024). Investigating the impact of supply chain integration on operational performance with a mediating role of supply chain capabilities of the SME sector in Pakistan. South Asian Journal of Operations and Logistics, 3(2), 198–223.


