Enabling supply chain agility through process integration and flexibility for operational performance
Process compliance, Supply chain agility, Supply side dependency, Demand side dependency, Operational performance, Quantitative researchAbstract
This research is based on the emphasis on undergoing processes which, if corrected, will help companies perform much better, achieve more, and be effective in most of their operations as suppliers. This study is conducted. This study focuses on improving firms' ability to excel in their supply chain processes; it is necessary to investigate the influential components of process integration, flexibility of supply line and dynamic view of products on supply chain agility and how these components impact the firm's effectiveness. Survey data from a sample of supply chain managers working only on emphasising supply line performance enhancement. These findings show that a flexible supply line with a mixture of dynamic products is a mediator that draws the effects of the firm's PI and supply chain agility. Moreover, this automatically influences the firm's business performance. Moreover, the firm's overall framework is competent, yet it needs to be consistently effective regarding the complex structure of its goods for sale. This nature of a firm's framework usually impedes the effect of a flexible supply line on supply chain agility. However, on the other hand, it adds details about the impact of PI on supply chain agility. Other conditionally implemented indirect effects show that the indirect effect of PI on supply chain agility, given the flexible supply line, proves to be vigorous when a complex product mix is identified. This study will be a guide to emerging economies, leading the idea towards supply chain managers to improve their performance in the shape of their competent framework to stabilize their market worth.
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