The relationship between warehousing, transportation and halal food exports: an empirical case
Halal Logistics
Halal logistics, Halal supply chain, Halal warehousing, Halal transportation, SPSS, Regression analysis, PakistanAbstract
This research aimed to analyze the relationship among warehousing, transportation, and Halal food exports. Therefore, the factors kept under consideration in the present research study were warehousing and transportation. To bring the research to a successful end, the research kept quantitative research under consideration. The researcher concentrated on secondary data collection techniques. A close-ended questionnaire based on the 5 Scale Likert Scale was developed with the aim of gathering relevant data. The total number of participants approached to gather the data was 109. Furthermore, the research study came to a successful end with a conclusion that there is a positive significant relationship between warehousing, transportation, and Halal food exports.
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