Measuring Student Satisfaction through Overall Quality at Business Schools: A Structural Equation Modeling
Student Satisfaction and Quality of Education
Satisfaction, PLS study, Karachi, Business School, SmartPLS, Word of MouthAbstract
In the higher education sector, academic and service quality are the main factors that need to be focused on. Academic quality is mainly focused on learning abilities and knowledge outcomes, while service quality is focused on administrative services. The research bases its theoretical background on the service quality model (SQM) and expectancy disconfirmation model (EDM). The research follows a quantitative approach where the data was collected using a survey questionnaire based on semi-structured questions. The research reviewed female student satisfaction at business schools based on several factors derived from two underpinning theories. The variables derived from the theories and literature were Information quality, the efficiency of service, teaching quality, overall quality, student satisfaction, disconfirmation and word of mouth. The findings suggested that the university should focus more on teachers' satisfaction which would result in a positive attitude towards their students and that would result in better satisfaction. In addition, the course syllabus and quality deliverance can be better regulated by providing teachers training and workshops to help them improve their teaching style and course syllabus if needed.
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