Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices at Oyo State-Nigeria
Adoption, Cassava Production, Agricultural Smart Practices, Climate Change, SouthwestAbstract
Climate-smart agricultural practices have been recognized to increase agricultural yield and enhance sustainable food production sustainably. This study examined the climate-smart agricultural practices used by cassava farmers and assessed the benefits obtained from using the climate-smart practices in the study area. The study adopted a two-stage sampling procedure in selecting 120 registered cassava farmers for questionnaire administration. Percentages, frequencies and chi-square were used to analyze the data. 96.8% of the farmers are male and above 60 years of age (41.7%) with household sizes of 5-8. Results indicate that 100% of respondents currently use and adopt different climate-smart agricultural practices for cassava production. Most cassava farmers derived enhanced benefits from using and adopting climate-smart agricultural practices. The chi-square analysis further revealed that the selected socio-economic profile of the respondents, such as education, farming experience, and size of farmland, significantly determined and influenced farmers’ usage and adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices. Based on the discoveries from this study, extension officers and relevant agencies should develop suitable policies that will encourage farmers to adopt climate-smart agricultural practices.
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