Disruptive Enterprise Factors and Risk Management in Global Supply Chain
Enterprise policy, Enterprise legal process, Enterprise environment, Supply chain risk, Risk managementAbstract
Global firm arrangements allow access to low-cost labour and raw resources, better financing, a more comprehensive range of product marketplaces, chances for profit-making through arbitrage, and other government-sponsored incentives. Therefore, this study focused on disruptive enterprise factors and risk management in the global supply chain. The methodology used in this research was based on quantitative data collected through surveys conducted by supply chain professionals. The data were analyzed using SPSS to perform various statistical tests such as reliability and regression analyses. The patterns of findings derived through regression analysis illustrated that all three hypotheses were supported. The theoretical implications of the results are that they were very much aligned with the existing literature and contributed to it positively. On the other hand, practical implications are related to supply chain managers managing supply chain risks. The tested model can help understand the impact of specific variables on supply chain risk management.
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