A Conspectus of Strategies Towards Sustainable Floral Resources in the Context of Environmental and Socio-Economic Stability
Floral Resources in Environmental and Socio-Economic Stability
Floral resources, strategies, sustainability, environmentAbstract
In the centrepiece of academic discourse, the concept or issue of sustainability leads by the nose. The continuous use of resources will shore up human life and sustenance. As such, sustainability is wrapped around social progress, economic balance, and environmental stewardship aligned with natural resources. Also, on the ground that, for instance, the sustainability of flora resources is an ultimate mechanism to conserve, protect and maintain biological resources. Within this purview and ambience, this paper examines distinct strategies and measures towards achieving sustainable floral resources. These strategies include incorporating the local community; participatory approach of the local community in conservation; authentication of aboriginal knowledge; establishment of a sustainable resource field, and; dissemination capacity building and training, all in the direction of achieving sustainable use of local flora resources. Based on the identified blueprints to attain sustainability, the paper further highlights the leeway of flora resources sustainability in that not only does food security, livelihoods and medicines of the aboriginal hinge on it. It portrays the degree and quality of the environment, but floral resources are an undaunted ample approach when it has to do with environmental compensation and socioeconomic development.
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