Impact of Information Sharing on Supply Chain Performance with Mediation of Trust
Informatin Sharing and Supply Chain Management
Logistics, Information sharing, Supplier trust, Pharmaceutical, Supplier, ProcurementAbstract
This paper investigates the impact of information sharing with suppliers on supply chain
performance while mediating the effect of trust. In this descriptive study, quantitative research
will involve a questionnaire as a research instrument with boundary-spanning managers
involved in sharing information with suppliers. Multiple research papers in different industries
are used to see the impact of information sharing. In this study, information sharing with
suppliers is integral in improving supply chain performance, impacting the overall business
performance. Trust as a mediating factor improves sharing of information, but it will not
directly influence the enhancement of supply chain performance. The findings will help
managers understand and evaluate the importance of information sharing with a supplier and
its effect on supply chain performance and enable them to make better decisions that enhance
supply chain performance. The study is conducted in a specified time frame which bound the
research to a particular period. Geographical boundaries also limit the study as it determines
the impact of the research on the pharmaceutical industry of Pakistan, located in Karachi.
Organizations need to develop a system that promotes information sharing by investing in
technologies that support exchanging information between partners. Building trust and
forming collaborative ties will ensure progression in the results of the supply chain network.
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