Supply Chain Visibility in Leading Organizations of the Shipping Industry
Supply Chain in Shipping Industry
Supply chain management, Logistics, Visibility, Shipping, Integration, OrganizationAbstract
It has been acknowledged that SC visibility is the driving force for the customers to fulfil their needs in today's world. In this research paper, the researchers aim to examine different factors impacting SC Visibility. Supply chain issues are bringing attention to a sector that has generated concern about healthy competition, worker welfare, and environmental damage for years. SC visibility factors need to be quantified because they provide clients with the data; they need to better estimate demand, ensuring they do not run out of anything during busy or lean periods. The study is based on an extensive literature review and responses from leading supply chain management consulting firms. To identify technology used in supply chain integration, one of the tools for SC visibility can cover all items and assets across extensive supply networks. Freight visibility is essential as shippers' interest in the safe and secure passage of products has proliferated. The population of this research is Employees who are working in the shipping industries and 3pl industries. The paper demonstrates the shipping line to find supply chain visibility. Interest in supply chain integration and analytic integration are primary factors because container logistics management provides direct support to vessel logistics. Their involvement in freight logistics remains unclear and uncertain.
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