South Asian Journal of Operations and Logistics <p>South Asian Journal of Operations and Logistics (SAJOL) is an international journal for publishing high-quality peer-reviewed papers in the field of theoretical and applied areas. The main objective of this journal is to perform a fast and reliable process for authors. Once a paper is accepted, our team works hard to provide an online version of the paper as quickly as possible. We believe this could help the existing knowledge grow faster. All accepted papers are published in <strong>June and December (02 Issues)</strong>.</p> SAG Publisher en-US South Asian Journal of Operations and Logistics 2958-2504 Unveiling the impact of supply chain network data practices on performance: A study of Pakistan’s automotive manufacturing sector <p>The investigation aims to clarify the connection between SC network data, the executives, the supply chain network data framework foundation, supply chain network incorporation, and the inventory network execution of firms in the assembly industry in Pakistan (Karachi). Consequently, the examination shows a gap in research concerning the impact of inventory network data rehearses on supply chain network execution. The exploration plan for this investigation utilized the quantitative technique of reviewing surveys that were created, which were dependent on an intensive and point-by-point examination of the applicable writing. For an example comprised of 144 usable pieces of information, PLS-SEM was utilized to inspect the examination model. The discoveries show that inward mix and client reconciliation completely incorporate the connection between the Supply chain network data of the executives and the Supply chain network data framework foundation toward inventory network execution. This examination is restricted to a specific example: auto firms in Pakistan, because of which the generalizability of discoveries is additionally restricted. Companies are keen to get everyone on their SC network to communicate using data organization to help administrators be more dynamic while getting updated data based on the board and framework. As at least one, it assists with planning different inside and outside proportions of the worth chain between assembling organizations in the affiliation's stock organization association. This would enable manufacturing companies to improve their presentation in the extended term.</p> Nazeer-ul- Faizan Copyright (c) 2025 South Asian Journal of Operations and Logistics 2025-01-26 2025-01-26 4 1 1 23 10.57044/SAJOL.2025.4.1.2557 Examining the effectiveness of support systems for small and medium enterprises in Hanoi city: A sociological investigation <p>According to the World Bank (2021), the world will require 600 million jobs by 2030, making SME development a priority for governments to measure their support efforts. Hanoi, Vietnam's capital, is a hub for SMEs, with 1 business for every 37 people, 3.8 times higher than the national average. By the first quarter of 2024, SMEs accounted for 98.2% of registered enterprises, employed 55.1% of workers, and contributed 40% of Hanoi's GDP. Such a massive number of enterprises requires significant effort to address challenges with suitable solutions, fostering the Hanoi government-introduced policies, including financial credit, workforce training, and technology transfer. To evaluate the effectiveness of these policies, the authors first analyzed the secondary data to form hypotheses, then surveyed to collect 900 responses from SMEs operating in multiple districts in Ha Noi. Over half of the respondents found the policies timely, effective, and impactful in enhancing operational efficiency and competitiveness. However, effectiveness varied across support types, revealing a gap between SMEs' needs and policy accessibility. This study highlights the importance of tailoring policies to improve resource access and competitiveness, addressing disparities in effectiveness, and ensuring continuous support for SME development.</p> Vu Minh Dinh Thi Thu Cuc Nguyen Copyright (c) 2025 South Asian Journal of Operations and Logistics 2025-01-28 2025-01-28 4 1 24 37 10.57044/SAJOL.2025.4.1.2556 Transforming organizational performance through e-procurement <p>Procurement, a vital organizational process, involves acquiring goods and services to support operational activities such as planning, purchasing, storage, and shipping. E-procurement, a web-based communication system, has revolutionized procurement operations by streamlining processes, enhancing transparency, and reducing costs. E-procurement encompasses e-sourcing, e-ordering, and e-payment activities, facilitating efficiency and fostering stronger supplier relationships. While it offers numerous benefits, including improved organizational performance, customer satisfaction, and environmental sustainability, challenges remain, particularly in developing countries, where technological infrastructure and management support are critical hurdles. This study investigates the impact of e-procurement on organizational performance, emphasizing key variables like managerial commitment, data quality, and stakeholder engagement. Using IBM SPSS as a quantitative methodology, the research reveals that successful adoption of e-procurement optimizes resource utilization and transforms supply chain operations, making them more competitive and sustainable. These findings provide valuable insights for organizations aiming to implement e-procurement and enhance operational efficiency.</p> Qurban Ali Copyright (c) 2025 South Asian Journal of Operations and Logistics 2025-01-28 2025-01-28 4 1 38 48 10.57044/SAJOL.2025.4.1.2558 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global supply chains <p>The unforeseen COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on global supply chains. Since the onset of the pandemic, researchers have been actively investigating and publishing findings on the various supply chain challenges the virus poses. Despite the increasing number of publications on this topic, a lack of comprehensive literature reviews hinders a clear understanding of the areas that have already been explored and those requiring further study. The current review presents an analysis of prior research addressing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on supply chain operations. A thorough search identified 74 new studies published on or before September 28, 2020. This review summarizes each study's research focus, methodology, background, and theoretical frameworks. Our findings indicate a scarcity of empirically conducted and theoretically grounded studies, limiting the generalizability of the results. Most recent research emphasizes supply chains for essential products and healthcare supplies, which faced significant demand during the pandemic. In contrast, the supply chains of non-essential items and small businesses have been mainly overlooked.</p> Rida Abbas Copyright (c) 2025 South Asian Journal of Operations and Logistics 2025-02-17 2025-02-17 4 1 49 81 10.57044/SAJOL.2025.4.1.2559